Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Our hearts go out to both families involved in the accident that happened on Rolling Meadow last night. Please keep both families in your prayers. We are glad to hear the boy is going to be well. This just serves as a reminder to all of us in the neighborhood how active it is here and that we have alot of children at play in yards, adults and children walking and darkness covering our sky earlier.

Please take time today out of your busy schedule to call the city office and request they add this item to the agenda for the next city council meeting to address the street lighting at Bently Farms.

Let's protect our familes and pets


lemongal said...

We were out on a walk last night when we heard from a neighbor that someone had been hit by a car. We will be praying for both families involved and agree that the lighting should be better. Perhaps it would also help to post signs in the neighborhood such as "Watch for children" etc.

The Lemons, Meadow Hill Dr

jeaneen said...

My family is praying for both families involved for a complete and fast recovery. I did send my request to the city asking them to readdress the lighting in Bentlyfarms. There are to few lights and on top of that they are dimly lit.