Monday, January 7, 2013

New News!

So very true, after thinking that the end of the world was coming.  The Mayans instead say this the time of a new beginning.  So a fresh start and infinite possibilities is very, very true.  

Our neighborhood is growing very quickly so if any of you live near them can you refer them to our BlogSpot. I will try to update it more than I have.  Life has just been very busy raising our adopted daughter from China who turned four in October.  Now that she is a little more independent, I have a little more time to blog. 

From what I gather, there is a peeping Tom in our neighborhood.  So make sure your vehicles our locked as well as all your doors and windows.  Also make sure that you close your blinds.  During the snow we had there were footprints leading to a back window of a neighbor's home.  This person has also been messing with backdoors.

The neighborhood yard sale duty I am handing to whoever wants to do the next one.   I have to start taking some of this off my plate and it is now others turns to do so in the neighborhood.  Just a heads up for spring/summer.  I have the neighborhood signs in my garage if you want to use them.

We also have lots of little ones in the neighborhood, does anyone aside from myself or Mindi Serkland that would like to host it at their house, we still have lots of plastic eggs. 

If anyone has the blue plans for the roadwork out front, it would be nice to post on here.  It is getting to be quite the mess.

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