As you may see, we had more of a permanent blog sign made and put up in the front as you drive in. This sign cost $30. I am looking for any donations to help pay for the cost of this sign. If you have been keeping up with the blog site, you will see that it will often let you know of ways to save money and get free stuff, so giving a little bit of money to help on this is well worth it.
Here is the Black Friday’s website to see what great deals are going on bright and early Friday morning:
I received this Happy Thanksgiving Picture from Macy’s and fell in love with it. So just thought I would show you all how cute cartoons can still be!
With any luck we can have a larger tree planted up in the front and maybe have our own tree lighting next year!
Money Saving Tip
Be diligent about turning off lights before you leave. If you spend one minute turning off lights before a two hour trip, that’s the equivalent of earning $50 an hour. That’s some impressive savings, particularly if you do it before longer trips. The key is to use less energy, particularly when you’re not using the device.
Kids Safety Tip
Holiday cooking: I love all that holiday food, but remember kids and pets should stay away from cooking areas. Declare a three-foot "kid-free zone " around the stove.
Freebie for the Day
Remember if you do online shopping, order through your store through Ebates and earn a certain percentage back in your account. Visit Ebates to learn more.
Oprah is offering a free download of Holiday Hits 2008 CD for a limited time (48 hours from posting). This would actually make a great gift for some of your Thanksgiving guests since they also included a cover and label you can download and print.
Get a free hairband from Crest Weekly Clean and Vocalpoint. You do need to be a Vocalpoint member (or sign-up to be one) in order to request your free hair band. Vocalpoint is P&G's "word-of-mouth" sampling program where they send you free stuff and coupons with the hope you'll help them spread the word about new products.
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