Monday, November 30, 2009

Meeting Tonight open to Bently Farms

The committee meeting scheduled for tonight is according to Linda Ardis, secretary for the City of Lavon, NOT a city organized committee. Linda told me that since the city council did NOT vote on establishing the committee it is considered a neighborhood meeting. If you are a neighbor in Bently Farms, please plan to attend. This will affect everyone in the neighborhood not just the committee!


A reminder of the Safety meeting to be held tonight at City Hall at 7:30 pm. If you were put on the list at the last council meeting please plan to attend.

Pop Up Canopy

Does anyone have a pop up canopy or just the frame that I could borrow for this Saturday (12/5)?

Please let me know! I appreciate it very much.

Thank you,
Mindy Roberts

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2nd Annual Toy Drive

17 Days left before our Toy Drive
As you all have probably seen, I have our Toy Drive banner posted out front! Please remember to pick up an item for our toy drive this big shopping weekend! There are lots of great, great deals saving us lots of money! Thus giving us the great opportunity to think of all the needy kids this holiday season! Email BentlyFarms if you should have any questions regarding our toy drive!

Monday, November 23, 2009


We would like to wish all the Bently Farms Families a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.

There is so much to reflect on for this Holiday Season. Please pray for our troops and give a neighbor a helping hand when needed.

To you and yours God Bless

Mike and Becky Cooper

MEETING- 11/30/09 7:30 PM CITY HALL



For all involved in the project the Mayor put the committee together for on ideas to add saftey to our community, please watch the blog for the meeting location.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bently Farms Toy Drive Countdown!

Bently Farms 2nd Annual Toy Drive December 12
Nineteen Days left until the day we collect toys! Make sure to grab yours this weekend if you are out and about!




Thursday, November 19, 2009


In response to a phone call I received today from Pat Birchall I would like to clear any confusion to the previous post.

This was simply to let the group of individuals who the Mayor selected know when we would be holding our meeting. I agreed to be chair person for this group per the Mayors request.

This is to advise the following people that the meeting is set for Nov 30th at 7:30 pm at 984 Rolling Meadow Drive. This meeting is to review all ideas given by all citizens who attended the City Council meeting. The goal is to take information to the City for additional help with safety issues in our neighborhood.

Jeaneen Eli
Debra Warren
Vickie Neeley
Pat Beirchall
Laura Simpson
Andy and Kayla Wharton
Joan Aquatera

Debra Warren was added to this list as she requested to be on the group that evening after the Council meeting. A call was made to Linda at the City Office by myself to make this addition and approved by . Linda (the city secretary). I received the list of names from her as well to make sure I had not missed anyone.

I am adding my personal cell phone here for anyone to feel free to call me with any imput or questions they may have. You may also email me at with any ideas you may have so I may present them to the group.

Becky Cooper 214-728-2747

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Thanks to all who made the time to come out and be involved at the City Council meeting last night. Just seeing how many people in our neighborhood care was over whelming to many.

Your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions are always appreciated to everyone.

If you wanted to be on the committee to take our suggestions to the City Police Cheif and Council please know we will meet on November 30th at 7:30 pm at 984 Rolling Meadow Drive to finalize everything.

Again thanks
Mike and Becky Cooper

Monday, November 16, 2009

Neighborhood Toy Drive

2nd Annual Bently Farm Toy Drive
December 12, 2009
I handed flyers out this afternoon so please make sure to take them off your mailbox and see more info on our Toy Drive. This is going to be so much fun this year. Last year I started it and then had to have Becky do it for me because I lost my dad and was out of town. So this year will be my first time to do it!
So starting tomorrow, we will start our countdown until our Toy Drive!
26 Days and Counting starting tomorrow!
Please also see on the back some quick notes!

Speed Humps

Here are some questions we thought you’d want the answers to. You may want to reconsider signing!

Fire at your house? Well, the fire truck will eventually arrive after it makes a complete stop at each hump. Time lost at each hump will be 15 seconds. Sit tight, help will arrive — later.

Relative having a heart attack? The ambulance will be there — later.

Does your youngster have skates, a skateboard or a bicycle? Speed humps attract children into the street and into traffic. It’s fun to jump those humps! The ambulance will be there — later!

Is your house attractive? How will it look with two of those 2 1/2-feet-square "Speed Hump - 20 mph" signs out in front? And those foot-wide zebra stripes on the hump? Lovely! Or maybe they won’t be in front of YOUR house. Do you feel lucky?

What do you think will happen to the suspension and exhaust systems on your nice car at normal, legal speeds when you cross those humps at least twice a day? Ouch! It’s hard on the brakes, too. And what about your wallet? Ouch!

Some vehicles, like delivery trucks and maybe your own SUV, almost have to stop at speed humps. What happens when vehicles unexpectedly stop in traffic? Back to the repair shop!

Are speed humps good for the environment? No, the unnecessary slowing and accelerating they cause results in wasted fuel and increased air pollution. Humps can cause noise pollution, too, because some drivers who aren’t happy with them will lean on the horn button.

Any way you look at them, humps are a major nuisance, and drivers may indeed avoid them so that traffic increases on neighboring streets. In any case, even if you’re the only one left driving on your street, you’ll have the pleasure of bounding over those humps every day, again and again and again....

Next to last question: Who’s paying the bill for installing or removing the humps? (Hint: It’s not the county.) You are! Ouch!

Have you thought about signing that petition? We hope you’ll reconsider

Sunday, November 15, 2009


So glad to see the post of comments and interest in the neighborhood addressing the upcomming city council meeting this Tuesday Nov 17th. We live in a neighborhood of good people who really do want to address the concern and saftey of everyone who lives here.

We are going to the city council to see what can be done to improve the saftey here for everyone. To say speed humps or speed bumps will reduce the value of ones home as a recent flyer stated that was passed out simply is not so. Where is the data on this?? I have gone online and researched thru three seperate real estate brokers and all information I was given did not agree.

Do I like speed bumps or speed humps, No, however; is the safety of one child, pet or adult worth the effort of slowing down due to having them here in our neighborhood. ABSOLUTELY

The lighting in Bently Farms has been an issue since we moved here. Perhaps better lighting is the first step to take. In any event I hope everyone who attends comes with an open mind of the end goal.

A concerned neighbor

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Freebies for Wednesday

Get a free sample of Caress body wash from Kroger. Need not have a member's card to get this sample. Click here.

Get a free sample of Aveeno hair care by clicking on this link.

Sign up for Acedemy Sports and get a $5 discount card for your birthday! Follow this link.

Do you travel a lot and would enjoy having your own personalized travel luggage tags! Then follow this link to do just that. Tags should then arrive in three weeks!

And last but not least, if you are a big internet shopper for checks, business cards, books, clothing, etc, etc... Then you need to check out the site I have saved well over $75 using the codes they give you towards the particular store you are shopping at! Check it out.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The meeting will be to address issues and concerns- Speed Humps- vs Signs and or puttting in both- the speed limit at 20mph simply is not followed as posted here. One would hope children would not play in the street, however; that simply put is not the case here. This is why we all need to do what we can to protect them. Everyones opinion is welcomed

Monday, November 9, 2009

Concerned Neighbor's Email to Bently Farms

If I heard correctly, the accident was due to a 2 year old running into the side of a car driven by a police officer that was traveling the speed limit. What good would inconvenient speed bumps have accomplished in this case? I disagree that we need speed bumps in our neighborhood. In fact, I think the speed limit of 20 MPH, which is the same speed as school zones, should be raised to 30 MPH. Older children should not play in streets made for cars and younger ones should always be watched. I have grandchildren who stay with me and I watch them when they are outside. That is not to say that they would not disobey me, but I do not see speed bumps as a solution.

I do agree that lighting is a concern. We could use more street lights and could use repair on some of the existing ones.

I am hoping we have a good turnout for the Nov. 17th council meeting.

A concerned neighbor,

Crime Info

The city of Lavon has had some recent car burglaries during the night. The common factor I am seeing in each incident is that the vehicles are being left unlocked. Please pass this along to everyone you know...

Please do not leave your vehicles unlocked or valuables in the vehicle. If you see or hear anything, Call 911 immediately.
Officer Kale

Friday, November 6, 2009


Hello everyone, Five Sista's Crafts will be at set up at the Sachse Methodist Church off Blackburn - Craft Bazzar this Saturday 11-7-09 9am to 4pm - bring your friends, family and or neighbors to do some early Christmas shopping. The Church is having a silent auction along with a great bake sale also.

Also remember you can drop by my house to do early shopping anytime....just give me a call please 214-728-2747

Becky Cooper

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We need all the Bently Farms community support we can muster at the next Council meeting please. It will be added to the agenda to discuss the speed humps and dim lighting in our commuinty. After what happened here on Tuesday night 11-5-09 please come and voice your opinion. We need the Council to see it is not only a few neighbors who want to be Pro-Active not Re-active. Please tell your neighbors as you see them to come to this meeting if at all possible.
Mike and Becky Cooper

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Our hearts go out to both families involved in the accident that happened on Rolling Meadow last night. Please keep both families in your prayers. We are glad to hear the boy is going to be well. This just serves as a reminder to all of us in the neighborhood how active it is here and that we have alot of children at play in yards, adults and children walking and darkness covering our sky earlier.

Please take time today out of your busy schedule to call the city office and request they add this item to the agenda for the next city council meeting to address the street lighting at Bently Farms.

Let's protect our familes and pets

Monday, November 2, 2009

Freebies for Monday!

Get your free sample of Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Sun Damage Daily Eye Cream. Click here to follow link.

Get a free Kashi Granola Bar, Mmmm good! Click here.

Free sample of Folgers Coffee. There are a few questions to answer, but no big deal. Well worth a free cup of coffee. Click here.

RedBox Video Rental

Use this code TEGJ6FD to get one free movie rental. Make sure videos are returned on time or you will be charged. If you use a different credit card, you can use this code more than once!


Remember this is a great place to make any type of announcements you want! Congrats to the new best yard winners!

I am also sad that no one got the Neighborhood boo started this year! Next year!!!!

I will be doing our Toys for Tots drive again, so watch for news of this great event. More families are going to need help than probably last year. So let's see if we can do more this year!

Enjoy this weeks weather, it's going to be gorgeous!


JOHN AND CHARLIE LECHNER AT 1191 MEADOW HILL DRIVE : Congrats on winning this months YARD OF THE MONTH - It is your hard work and dedication that makes our development shine. Keep up the GREAT WORK.

The previous winner will be calling you to deliver the sign for your yard